Adapted to teaching and research purposes
Using simulation in Education & Research has two main benefits:
- mastering a simulation software that can be used for all kinds of discrete, continuous and hybrid systems,
- helping students understand factually and lively concepts of production, finance, science, networks and so on.
The European research project SPICOSA* about coastal zone systems has chosen ExtendSim. Its aim is to encourage research on coastal zone systems in Europe, through a balanced consideration of its ecological, social and economic aspects. Simulation was the proof of this integration of the economic dimension in the system approach, mixing system dynamics and economic dynamics in models studying codfish populations, fisheries and shell-fisheries management, water quality in the Thau Lagoon…
*Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment – 54 partners from 21 countries.
NB: ask for our special academic prices.
ExtendSim est utilisé au sein de : CERN – CRSSA – Ecole des Mines d’Albi – Ecole des Mines de Nancy – Ecole d’Ingénieurs du Valais – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – Ecole Royale Militaire de Bruxelles – ENSAM – ENTPE – ESCI de l’Ain – Escola Superior Tecnologia Gestão da Guarda – ESIEE – ESLI Redon – ESSEC – Isara Lyon – INRA – INSA Rouen – Hochschule Fulda – Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg – Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen Augsburg – IUT de Béthune, de Chalon, du Havre, de Lorient, de Mulhouse, de Vesoul – INSEAD – Université Lyon II – Université Paris I – Université de Chypre, Dublin, Duisbourg, Gênes, Liège, Plymouth, Patras, Rome…